Live more…Worry less!!!

I wanted something profound to blog, to start off my new adventure, then I realized that sometimes you just have to start. For a couple decades now, I’ve played on the fringes of the metaphysical world. With all types of modalities in which I plan to bring forth as I’m called to.

For 42 years I worked in the grocery industry, cashier, baker, bakery manager and 20+ years as a cake decorator. Often, I’d start decorating a cake with no particular outcome in mind. I would just let the cake talk to me. I can only explain it as an energy that flowed through me to create what that person needed it to be. Basically, Reiki energy, what comes forth turns into what is needed. I thought it was normal. I realize now that I was using a gift to help others, in my own unique energetic way. So, this will be my next cake. I will try and bring forth, what the energy is calling from me. It’s easy to be comfortable with what you know. I know cake. ( No, I refuse to do them anymore. Okay, maybe for a niece or two. The fun of being an Aunt.)

You will certainly see me state this often, it’s a reminder to myself that I need to live my purpose by LIVING MORE…WORRY LESS. As I strive live, learn and follow who I am, authentically in my design. My purpose statement (Incarnation Cross) is: “You are here to plant your perceptions in others, to share your vision of things, however it comes out, without worrying about whether or not your will be able to explain it so that they understand it, and whether or not others will assimilate and adopt it. “

Truth and honesty are my powers, contrarily others feel I am brash, cold, or unfeeling. In truth, I am very empathic to my environment, and those around me. I might even feel another’s energy more, since so many of my open centers take in fears, emotions, lack of self-worth, all the feels that one has. We will explore all these amazing insightful ways of uncovering who we are, as you journey with me as we STEP through the Stars!

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